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As an SME business leader, owner, or advisor, thank you for driving one half of the gross domestic product in the top 17 countries around the world (according to the World Bank). We need you now more than ever!

I wish you much entrepreneurial success.

Phil Symchych
Global Business Advisors Forums
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  • That's a great read, and not very long.

    For the purpose of discussion, I'd comment that the flow chart above could show the 4 points in "Optimize" as being top of the list...but only if current management has the capability to do so without the guidance of the "Team."

    What I learned too late in my solo practice was that while I didn't approach prospects and clients like they were somehow broken, I did assume that their level of financial acumen was much deeper than it really was, despite what was visually evident in what they had built their enterprise to be. Phil had a great analogy for that!

  • Kim,

    What was my analogy? I don't remember. Is it suitable for family viewing?

    You raise a good point that we make many assumptions about our clients and prospects without often validating those assumptions with data. One of the reasons large consulting firms are highly trusted by their large clients is the amount of data the consultants process and analyze.

    For everyone, what data do you analyze to validate your prospect's or client's situation prior to advising and implementing solutions?

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