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I wish you much entrepreneurial success.

Phil Symchych
Global Business Advisors Forums
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How to cancel an online subscription

Lots of companies make it easy to sign up online for a new subscription.

Things are very different when you try to cancel.

For example, I subscribe to different newspapers online and decided that I had too many, so one had to go.

After searching online, the only way to cancel was to call them. The system put me on hold...for 30 minutes. Then, after giving her my name, address, and email, she couldn't find my account, and asked for my account number. Sheesh! She did apologize for the hold time.

Normally I wouldn't single out a reputable organization like the Wall Street Journal for such atrocious service, but I'm annoyed, and they wasted my time.

In business, do you make it easy for your customers to do business with in both directions? Or, do you annoy them?

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