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As an SME business leader, owner, or advisor, thank you for driving one half of the gross domestic product in the top 17 countries around the world (according to the World Bank). We need you now more than ever!

I wish you much entrepreneurial success.

Phil Symchych
Global Business Advisors Forums
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How To Keep Things Normal

Here are four ways to keep things normal when there really is no normal.

  • Routines – what we do every day
  • Results – focus on what we create and the impact we have
  • Recharge – stay connected and keep your energy high
  • Room – control your environment to enhance your productivity

Here is a link to the full blog post.

What are you doing to keep things normal at home and at work during these times?


  • I like this...RX4

    I reached back to what is important to me, my core values; family and health.

    Personally, I'm eating and exercising much better. I'm also making time for my wife and I, either talking in depth about our future and cooking meals together, allows us to stay connected and level during this challenging time.

    I'm also making sure my time / calendar is highly controlled and monitored for a high degree of productivity which includes Deep Work.

  • edited May 2020

    We might all just come out if this with better habits.

    How do you protect your Deep Work time?

  • Lock the schedule in and turn of social media. When not in quarantine I would go to the library or just hide in a quite place..

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