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Phil Symchych
Global Business Advisors Forums
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Do you "Focus until finished?"

Fellow consultant @Tim Kist and I were on a zoom call earlier today, like many of you are, every day. We were discussing our shared board activities and how we can ensure that smart, busy volunteers and association employees get important things done.

Tim mentioned the perspective of being "focused until finished."

The challenge is multiple priorities and competing demands on our time. Do we want people to nudge several items along, or is it better to get something across the finish line and then move on to the next priority?

The first method of making minor progress on multiple priorities fits our busy days of emails, calls, and juggling. But we rarely get something important across the finish line and done.

The second method of Deep Work, as author Cal Newport calls it, is much more difficult because we need to turn off things, say no to request, be unavailable, and generally be selfish so we can help our client, our business, or our stakeholder. But we can make serious progress in short periods of time.

How do you focus until finished? What strategies and tactics do you employ to make significant progress on your priorities?


  • So true! I purposely shout out the outside world for three ti four days to focus deep work. It's not easy!

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